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Revised:  09/08/2024

Frequently Asked Questions:


Management Company Information

  1. Who is our management company?  How do I reach them?
  2. When are monthly condo payments due?

Emergency/Critical Information

  1. Who do I call if I have an emergency?
  2. Lockouts – Who should I call?


As described in item 4 of the Spring 2012 newsletter, If you or your guests/renters require assistance for a lockout, The Maintenance company (see item 1 above)  or a Board member is available to assist in the situation; however, there is a charge associated with such assistance, which will be added to your account and invoiced to you, if you do not pay the person providing the lockout assistance.



  1. What is the status of the bike path (aka The Mount Washington Valley Recreation and Alternative Transportation Path)?
  2. Why is the Stratford building different from the others?
  3. Is there any published layout of the condo units? 
  4. Do unit owners have any privileges in North Conway for being a tax payer?

Owner Unit Maintenance

  1. If my unit sustains damage caused by another unit, such as water damage from a leaking pipe, what should I do? Who should I call?
  2. I want to change my unit locks – how and who do I need to notify?
  3. Where can I get suggestions for contractors to work on my unit?
  4. How do the fire protection devices in units operate - what do unit owners have to do?

Rules & Documents

  1. Where can I find a complete listing of the association rules?
  2. How are the rules enforced? 
  3. What are the Condominium Documents?  Where can I get a copy? 
  4. How do I get approval to make a modification to my unit, which requires any type of change to the building exterior, no matter how minor?
  5. Where can I get a list of Board approved outside modifications?
  6. I want to heat my unit with propane.  Can I do that?
  7. What is the rule on air conditioners? 
  8. What are the rules with barbeque grills?
  9. What are the rules with dogs? 
  10. Why are certain areas "customized" by owners with landscaping? This seems to detract from the commonality concept


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Who is our management company?  How do I reach them?

As of 1 Jan 2021, Forest Glen Property Management Northface Management Company.  (Ref 23 Dec 2020 Letter to Association Owners)

Physical Address


Universal Property Management
Attn: Accounting
235 West Rd., Unit 7
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Point of Contact


Ted Jendzejec
Property Manager
Universal Property Management
Emergency Maintenance Calls  

Emergency maintenance service calls should still be directed to EG Chandler at 603-356-6060.   Any other issues or concerns can be addressed with Forest Glen Property Management


The Prior Management Company's were:

Sep 2023 - Present:  Universal Property Management, 235 West Rd, Unit 7, Portsmouth NH 03801

Jan 2021 - 29 Sep 2023:  Forest Glen Property Management, LLC of Bartlett NH was selected by the Board of Directors and announced to owners at the Nov 2020 Annual Meeting

2002 - 2020:  Selective Property Management (SPM) of Rhode Island.  SPM was selected after extensive discussion at two Association Meetings with owners concerning quality of service.  The Board recommendation was to go with a management company operated by a Northface Owner due to the vested interested in the Association found lacking in the previous management company, and other local management company's.  Northface owners overwhelming supported the Board recommendation at the Nov 2002 Annual Meeting

~1988 -2002:  Northern Woods Property Management Service of Conway NH. 

1985 - ~1988:  Joey Laugeustrauser (?) on behalf of Wonderview Development


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When are condo fees due?

Condo fees are due the 1st of each month.  Payment received after the 10th of the month shall be subject to a $25 late fee

Checks should be made payable to "Northface Resort Condo Association (NFRCA)"

Ref:  September 2016 Newsletter

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Emergency/Critical Information

Who do I call if I have an emergency?

Emergency maintenance service calls should still be directed to EG Chandler at 603-356-6060.   Any other issues or concerns can be addressed with Forest Glen Property Management at  603-383-8000    (Ref 23 Dec 2020 Letter to Association Owners)


Please don't forget, if it is an emergency that requires immediate attention (burst water pipes, smell of smoke), call 911.  As a unit owner, you pay North Conway taxes just like anyone else and are entitled to the same level of service afforded any homeowner.

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Lockouts – Who should I call?

Emergency maintenance service calls should still be directed to EG Chandler at 603-356-6060.   Any other issues or concerns can be addressed with Forest Glen Property Management at  603-383-8000    (Ref 23 Dec 2020 Letter to Association Owners)


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What is the status of the bike path (aka The Mount Washington Valley Recreation and Alternative Transportation Path)?

An association to develop the path was formed in 2006 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization currently governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of local residents.  The association had hoped to break ground in the summer of 2018 with completion for the 2019 Summer Season.  The route has been mapped.   You can find additional information on the association via their flyer or website (mwvrecpath.org)


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Why is the Stratford building different from the others?

The Stratford building was built in 1982.  It was called "The Stratford Building Condominium at Woodland Hills Condominium".  It contained 11.7 acres of land and the apparent plan was to build 3-bedroom, four unit structures on the remaining land.  That plan was modified under Wonderview Development.  With the consent of the owners of the Stratford Building, the development was changed to construct an additional 40 units and change the name to "Northface Resort, A Condominium at Woodland Hills".  All 44 units are now part of Northface Resort.

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Is there any published layout of the condo units? 

Click here for the original sales brochure with unit layouts.  But please don’t ask about the rental office or vacation exchange program promised in the advertising!

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Do unit owners have any privileges in North Conway for being a tax payer?

Unless Northface is an owners legal place of residence, there are only limited privileges.  For example, the ability to vote for local ordnances is not allowed - you can vote only at your legal place of residence.  However, there is at least one identified benefit.  As a tax payer, you may ski for free at any Mt Washington Valley X-Country ski course.  To do this, bring a photo ID and your tax bill to Ragged Mt Sports (located on Rt 16 on the way towards Story Land) and you can obtain the ski pass.  If you know of other privileges, please send along the detailed information to HomerG156@gmail.com so that they can be posted here.

Unit Owner Maintenance

If my unit sustains damage caused by another unit, such as water damage from a leaking pipe, what should I do? Who should I call?

You should call the Management Company who will;

1) Access the property and take action as necessary to isolate & stabilize the situation (e.g., stop water leak). This is why they maintain a set of keys for every unit. 

2) Notify the unit owner and any other damaged units.

3) Notify the Board of Directors. 

However, the management will not make repairs because this is beyond a management function.  Damage to units caused by owner neglect is a unit owners responsibility.  A unit owner may enlist assistance of any contractor, at the unit owners own expense, to repair the unit.  A listing of contractors previously used by unit owners, as well as applicable comments, is listed on the web page.  If your unit happens to have been damaged by another (e.g., water leak), you should contact your insurance company so they can subrogate the claim to the insurance company of the owner responsible for the damage.

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I want to change my unit locks – how and who do I need to notify?

As described in item 3 of the Spring 2012 newsletter, Unit owners, who change or want to change the locks to their units (deadbolt and or doorknob) or to their storage area, must coordinate the change with the management company  BEFORE having the work done. The changed locks must be keyed to the Association's master key system; and two copies of the unit keys or storage room keys must be submitted to either a Board member or management. One of these keys is to be given to the North Conway Fire Chief to be kept in a secured lock box on the premises; and the other key is to be kept in the Association's secured key box also kept in a secure location on the premises. If compliance with this policy is not received, and emergency access to your unit is needed, you need to know that the local fire department will just break down the door. YOU, as the unit owner, will then be responsible for immediately replacing and painting a new door. .

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Where can I get suggestions for contractors to work on my unit?

A listing of contractors which have been used by, and are recommended by unit owners was on the web for several years.  But people stopped providing recommendations and the information got outdated.  If you have a contractor recommendation you would like to share, send it along to Homer at HomerG156@gmai.com so the information can be shared.  Please be sure to list the contractor, type of work, phone number, and applicable comments.

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How do the fire protection devices in units operate - what do unit owners have to do?

The fire protection system was completely replaced in 2010.  Below is a description of the current system, as well as the original configuration for historical information (e.g., why there are holes or panels in certain locations)

The following was presented by Brad of Pope Security at the 13 November 2010 Owners Meeting

The new equipment consists of five items:  Carbon monoxide detector, heat detector, smoke detector, pull stations, and alarms

Type Equipment

What it does

Where Alarms sound

Other Information

Unit Bldg Fire




Carbon monoxide Detects for CO - clear colorless gas from incomplete combustion which can lead to passing out and death X   X X Don't push the test button - if you do, the fire department will get a signal and respond
Heat detector Detects heat greater than 135 degrees and sets off alarms X X X X All alarms go off - this is a major event
Smoke detector Detects smoke in the unit X     X If you burn your chicken dinner, only your unit alarm will go off - you should open the door/window to get fresh air and fan the detectors to stop the alarm.
Pull station Manually activated device in units - alerts all to major problem X X X X  
Lights/Alarms Output device for the above equipment - light and alarms in each unit          

Other information on the new fire detection system:

1.  There is no owner maintenance required (e.g., no batteries to change - no tests to conduct periodically)

2.  If doing work in your unit which will raise dust (i.e., sanding), place a cover of the detectors - these are the yellow covers which are available in each of the buildings alarms stations.  It is recommended that you notify the management company (Pope) before you do this so they are aware.

3.  The older fire protection equipment can remain - or you can take it down.  If taking down, most units will require some cosmetic work to patch the wall and/or ceilings.  This is a unit owner responsibility.  At the meeting it was suggested that if you did not want to do this yourself, you could contact Steve Lynch (on call maintenance man) who is willing to do this as a separate job (Between unit owner and Steve)


Also, As described in item 15 of the Spring 2012 newsletter, 

All units are now connected to the new fire alarm system. Per the fire codes, each unit has the required amount of heat detectors, strobe lighting/horns, pull stations, and smoke detectors. Unit owners are encouraged to have at least a 2.5lb fire extinguisher readily available in their unit. The heat detectors, strobes, pull stations are all connected to the main panel at each building, which is monitored by a central station connected to the North Conway fire department. This equipment is tested annually at the Association's expense.  The smoke detectors in the sleeping quarters (bedrooms) of a unit are also connected to the main panel for a building; but the other smoke detectors in a unit are not.  These smoke detectors are considered "locals", meaning that if they go off for some reason, they sound in the unit only and will not send a signal to the Fire Department/central station.  In essence, because the smoke detectors in the sleeping quarters are connected to the main panel, it is recommended that the doors to the sleeping quarters be closed when cooking.  Should smoke from something being cooked enter the bedrooms/sleeping quarters, the smoke detectors will sound as well as alert the local fire department and the fire department will respond.  Such situations, if they occur, will be considered a false alarm by the fire department and the Association will be charged a false alarm charge. This false alarm charge WILL be passed on to the unit owner responsible for the unit in which a false alarm occurred. Unit owners are also responsible for the smoke detectors in a unit that aren't connected to the main panel. These smokes, which are hard-wired with battery backup, do fail after a time and must be replaced. If you change the batteries in the smoke detector in your unit that has been giving out a warning "beep" and the beeping continues, it may mean that you need to replace the entire smoke detector. The same type of smoke detector must be used when replacement is necessary. The Association uses Pope Security for the testing/maintenance of the systems; and unit owners are encouraged to utilize Pope Security's services for equipment that is a unit owner's responsibility.


Historical - The Old System - what was operational up to 2010

There are TWO different types in each unit - a total of two heat sensors and one smoke alarm

First Type:  Heat Sensor (2 per condo - kitchen & dining area).  Sensors are linked to a control panel

(one per building) which activates a building wide alarm and the fire department.  The control panels are physically located inside;


Building 1

Unit 2


  Building 2 Unit 11  
  Building 3 Unit 27  


Building 4

Basement - Security Room







A unit owner should not replace these batteries.  The sensors operate on a lithium battery which is replaced complex wide by the association.  Batteries last approximately three to five years.  Should a  battery fail earlier, it is observed on the status board of the alarm company and that particular unit battery is  replaced.  Those batteries will then be replaced again on the standard association five year interval.


Second Type:  Smoke Detector.  These are in individual units and not centrally linked - the alarm will sound in the individual unit only.  Smoke detectors will probably be managed association wide some day, but for now it is left to individual owners.  As a result, there is a hodgepodge configuration throughout the complex.  At a minimum, each unit has one smoke alarm - the originally installed unit (vintage 1985 or 1986 depending upon your building).  These original detectors are hard wired (i.e., powered directly from your condo electricity.  There is no battery backup.  Smoke alarms should be replaced every six years.  A photoelectric smoke alarm is recommended.  A recommended brand in Fire-Ex.   The issue of owners replacing the detectors  was raised at the Nov 2003 annual meeting and again in the May 2004 Newsletter; "The smoke detectors in a unit are more likely the original ones installed almost 20 years ago.  These smoke detectors are hard-wired only; and per newer fire safety codes, these detectors should be hard-wired with battery backups.  A number f unit owners have elected to have the Association's representative, Mark Shirey, change the smoke detectors in their unit.  Mark is a licensed master electrician and also the owner of Unit 18.  If you would also like Mark to do the changing for you, please let management know.  Mark will schedule the work and bill you accordingly."

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Where can I find a complete listing of the Association rules?

Short answer - look in your copy of the condo documents - must be read from end to end - no single list..

Longer answer, it involves three parts;

First:  The rules governing the association are listed in the Condominium documents.  Most of the "rules" are contained within the section entitled "By-Laws".  To change the condominium documents, the change must be agreed by the 66 2/3% of the owners (as stated in the condo documents).

Second:  The condominium documents allow the Board of Directors to adopt additional rules specifically governing the operation and use of the resort..  Specifically, Para 3.1 of the By-Laws,  "The Board of Directors shall have the power from time to time to adopt any Rules deemed necessary for the enjoyment of the condominium provided that such Rules shall not be in conflict with the Condominium Act, the declaration, or these By-Laws."  Click here for the rules which have been adopted by the Board of Directors.  Thus for a complete list of rules, you should review those stated in the condominium documents and then add those adopted by the Board of Directors.  It would be too extensive, and duplicate the majority of the condo documents, to list every rule here or on a separate list.  But to help in that regard...

Third:  The Board of Directors, in conjunction with the management company, has created a one page list of the most important rules.  This sheet is entitled "Rules and Regulations (Revised 11-12-05)"   This sheet is probably what you are most familiar with - it is periodically sent out by the management company. In addition, a subset of these rules, the most important of the important if you will, are posted on the stairwells of each building.  But please remember - this is a partial listing of rules - a listing of those deemed most critical - it is not a total listing of the rules stipulated in the condo documents and those adopted by the Board of Directors (The first two items above). 

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How are the rules enforced? 

The rules are enforced by the Board of Directors per the Boards responsibility to do so as stipulated in the Condominium Documents.  Specifically, Para 5.7 of the By-Laws,  "Violation of the following enumerated prohibitions shall not be permitted, and the Board of Directors is hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to prevent or discontinue any violations thereof, all at the expense of the violator."  The fine structure for rules violations as set by the board are (Ref 10 July 2003 Notice to Unit Owners):

Fine Structure:

$ 25 for first violation (per category and per occurrence)

$ 50 for the second violation of the same nature

$ 75 for the third violation of the same nature

$100 for each violation of the same nature thereafter

Fines are cumulative and not reset each year. The purpose of the rules is to ensure a standard structure with numerous people in close quarters. If any owner feels a rule is inappropriate, they have the right to bring it up before the association to amend. The concept for fines was discussed at the 3 November, 2001 Association Meeting. The Board was left with the action to develop the fine procedure (below).  Owners were polled at the meeting for any dissenting opinions or reservations prior to the Board implementing such a procedure.  There were none voiced.

Fine Procedure:

  1. Anyone concerned with a possible rules violation should notify the management company or any Board member.
  2. The situation will be investigated and if a violation, the applicable owner notified in writing (and phone call depending on the situation). 
  3. The management company will include the fine in the unit owners monthly billing statement and track fine payment.  Unpaid fines incur interest charges. 
  4. The unit owner can appeal to the Board of Directors

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What are the "Condominium Documents"?   Where can I get a copy?

The Condominium Documents are the master documents which govern the use and operation of Northface Resort.  They should be read, and retained by all owners for reference - it is your association.  In addition, the documents will probably be required for you to produce at the closing should you sell your unit,

You can download a copy of the documents from the "Worth Knowing" Page  

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Where can I get a list of Board approved outside modifications?

Click here for the list of Board authorized modifications which impact common areas (which includes the exterior of all buildings).  This means that the Board will allow these modifications, at unit owner expense, if the owner requests Board approval for their particular unit.  But any modification requires prior board approval, regardless of whether the modification has been authorized.  Unauthorized modifications (i.e., not having Board approval) would have to be corrected at owner expense (Para 5.6 of By-Laws).

Here are a few examples of modification requests: 

Example 1:  The owners of unit XYZ want to construct a deck privacy wall.  This project has been previously authorized by the board and is already on the authorized list.  But, the owners of unit XYZ must first submit the form to obtain Board approval.  Why?   The purpose is to ensure the unit owner is aware of the specifications which must be followed and to have a record of the modification - which is kept by the management company in the applicable unit file.    Modifications which deviate from the requested approval can be removed at the unit owners expense in accordance with paragraph 5.7(h) of the By-Laws.  Requests for approvals to Board authorized modifications will not be disapproved if the authorized configuration is followed.

Example 2:  The owners of unit FGH want to install a propane heating system.  This is not on the Board list of authorized modifications.  The owners of unit FGH must first request board authorization and approval before proceeding.  As with the example above, any modifications done without Board authorization for the particular project, or approval for a particular unit, can be removed at unit owner expense.  In this instance, the board would probably have the propane heating system removed at the owners expense.  The rationale being the lengthy discussions leading up to the 1995 Association Meeting and the decision to go with Monitor (kerosene) heating verses the other alternative heating options.

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How do I get approval to make a modification to my unit, which requires any type of change to the building exterior, no matter how minor?

See answer to the question above

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I want to heat my unit with propane.  Can I do that?

No, it is not currently on the list of Board authorized modifications.  If this is desired, the unit owner should complete the request for Home Owner Request for Alterations or Improvement Form and submit it for Board consideration.  Click here for related information.

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What is the rule on air conditioners? 

Per Section 5.7, Restriction F of the Northface Bylaws, the Board of Directors allows the use of air conditioning in three locations.  Anyone can place an air conditioner in the window of their kitchen.  There are two other possible variations which have been authorized by the Board - permanent installation in the wall and bedroom window air conditioning - However, both of these latter options require Board approval via the  Home Owner Request for Alterations or Improvement Form before a unit owner can proceed.   Click here for additional details concerning the latter options.

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What are the rules with barbeque grills?

Grills are not allowed to be used on the decks or concrete areas (reference condo rules).  They can however, be stored on the decks/concrete.  As you can imagine, this creates a problem, especially with renters who may not be aware, or may not care, about the rules.  There has been at least one instance of the building catching on fire from a hibachi.  To help alleviate this situation, the Board has placed signs on all building landings emphasizing this rule.

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What are the rules with dogs? 

Re: condo rules; Owners are allowed to bring their Association registered dogs to Northface (click here for form to register).  Renters are not allowed to bring animals.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  This issue was discussed at the 3 November 2001 Association Meeting with consensus to keep the rule exactly as it stands and to focus on enforcement.  All dogs are to be attended and leashed when outside.  If you remember the situation in the mid 1990s, you already know why…dogs loose throughout the complex and the lawns becoming minefields of dog waste.  Click here for the current listing of registered dogs.

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Why are certain areas "customized" by owners with landscaping? This seems to detract from the commonality concept

No owner should be customizing the outdoors.  With 44 units, one person’s good taste could be another’s nightmare.  Outdoor maintenance is handled through the Association Board of Directors.  Professional services are retained (e.g., painting, mowing).  Any unit owner desiring to make modifications to the exterior of the complex must be pre approved by the Board.  Upon receipt, the board will evaluate and consult with abutters (or entire association as applicable) before rendering a decision.  If you want to do some work in the areas around your unit, please complete the necessary form (click here for the form) to obtain Board approval.

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Revised: 09/08/2024